[米切尔 纳吉]《故事的歌手》再版序
  作者 : 斯蒂芬·米切尔(Stephen A. Mitchell) 格雷戈里·纳吉(Gregory Nagy)   译者 : 尹虎彬 (YIN Hubin) 译 姜德顺(JIANG Desun)审译 | 点击数 : 51138

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  Finnegan, R. 1970. Oral Literature in Africa. Oxford.

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  Fisher, L. G. 1990. Marko Songs from Hercegovina a Century after Karadzic. Harvard Dissertations in Folklore and Oral Tradition. New York.

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  --------, ed. 1981. Oral Traditional Literature: A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord. Columbus, Ohio.

  --------, ed. 1986. Oral Tradition in Literature: Interpretation in Context. Columbia, Mo.

  --------, ed. 1987. Comparative Research on Oral Traditions: A Memorial for Milman Parry. Columbus, Ohio.

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  Glassie, H. 1982. Passing the Time in Ballymenone: Culture and History of an Ulster Community. Publications of the American Folklore Society, no. 4. Philadelphia.

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  Guillen, C. 1985. Entre lo uno y lo diverso: Introduccion a la literatura comparada. Barcelona.

  --------. 1993. The Challenge of Comparative Literature. Translation, by C. Franzen, of Guillen 1985. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 42. Cambridge Mass.

  Hainsworth, J. B. 1991. The Idea of Epic. Berkeley and Los Angeles.

  Hainsworth, J. B., and A. T. Hatto, eds. 1989. Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry II: Characteristics and Techniques. London.

  Harris, J. 1983. "Eddic Poetry as Oral Poetry: The Evidence of Parallel Passages in the Helgi Poems for Questions of Composition and Performance." In Edda: A Collection of Essays, ed. R. J. Glendinning and H. Bessason, 210-242. Manitoba Icelandic Series. Manitoba.

  --------. 1986. "Eddic Poetry." In Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide, ed. C. Clover and J. Lindow, 68-156. Islandica 45. Ithaca.

  --------, ed. 1991. The Ballad and Oral Literature. Harvard English Studies 17. Cambridge, Mass.

  Hatto, A. T. 1980. "Kirghiz: Mid-Nineteeth Century." Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry, ed. A. T. Hatto, 300- 327. London.

  Haymes, E. R. 1973. A Bibliography of Studies Relating to Parry's and Lord's Oral Theory. Publications of the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature. Cambridge, Mass.

  Haymes, E. R., and S. T. Samples. 1996. Heroic Legends of the North: An Introduction to the Nibelung and Dietrich Cycles. New York.

  Innes, G. 1974. Sunjata: Three Mandinka Versions. London.

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  文章来源 : 译者提供

后一篇 : 洛德 著:《故事的歌手》(中译本,2004)
前一篇 : [G.纳吉]泛雅典娜节上的荷马与柏拉图