[米切尔 纳吉]《故事的歌手》再版序 |
作者 : 斯蒂芬·米切尔(Stephen A. Mitchell) 格雷戈里·纳吉(Gregory Nagy) 译者 : 尹虎彬 (YIN Hubin) 译 姜德顺(JIANG Desun)审译 | 点击数 : 51470 |
Smith, J. D. 1980. "Old Indian: The Two Sanskrit Epics." Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry, ed. A. T. Hatto,48-78. London. --------. 1989. "Scapegoats of the Gods: The Ideology of the Indian Epics." In Blackburn et al. 1989, 176-194. --------. 1990. "Worlds Apart:Orality, Literacy, and the Rajasthani Folk-Mahabharata." Oral Tradition 5:3-19. Stolz, B. A., and R. S. Shannon, eds. 1976. Oral Literature and the Formula. Ann Arbor. Thompson, S., ed. 1953. Four Symposia on Folklore. Indiana University Folklore Series 8. Bloomington. Toelken, J. B. 1967. "An Oral Canon for the Child Ballads: Construction and Application." Journal of the Folklore Institute 5:75-101. Vikis-Freibergs, V. 1984. "Creativity and Tradition in Oral Folklore, or the Balance of Innovation and Repetition in the Oral Poet's Art." Cognitive Processes in the Perception of Art, ed. W. R. Crozier and A. J. Chapman, 325-343. Amsterdam. Webber, R. H. 1986. "The Cantar de Mio Cid: Problems of Interpretation." In Foley 1986:65-88. Ziolkowski, J. 1991. "Cultural Diglossia and the Nature of Medieval Latin Literature." In Harris 1991:193-213. Zumthor, P. 1972. Essai de Poetique medievale. Paris. --------. 1983. Introduction a la poesie orale. Paris. --------. 1984. La Poesie de la Voix dans la civilisation medievale. Paris. Zumwalt, R. 1988. American Folklore Scholarship: A Dialogue of Dissent. Bloomington, Ind. Zwettler, M. J. 1978. The Oral Tradition of Classical Arabic Poetry. Columbus, Ohio.
【附注】文章来源:[美]阿尔伯特·贝茨·洛德(Albert B. Lord)著,格雷戈里·纳吉(Gregory Nagy)、斯蒂芬·米切尔(Stephen A. Mitchell)编,尹虎彬译,姜德顺校:《故事的歌手》(The Singer Of Tales),北京:中华书局2004年5月版,第1-34页。《故事的歌手》原为“哈佛比较文学研究丛书”之24,哈佛大学出版社出版,1960年首版,2000年推出第2版,即首版面世40周年的纪念版;该版由哈佛大学“帕里口头文学特藏”的两位监理人斯蒂芬·米切尔(Stephen A. Mitchell)和格雷戈里·纳吉(Gregory Nagy)共同编辑,他们为该纪念版还专门撰写了再版序,见原书第7-29页。
Continuing : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 文章来源 : 译者提供 |
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