[米切尔 纳吉]《故事的歌手》再版序 |
作者 : 斯蒂芬·米切尔(Stephen A. Mitchell) 格雷戈里·纳吉(Gregory Nagy) 译者 : 尹虎彬 (YIN Hubin) 译 姜德顺(JIANG Desun)审译 | 点击数 : 51466 |
Johnson, J. W. 1980. "Yes, Virginia, There Is an Epic in Africa." Research in African Literatures 11:308-326. Kay, M. W. 1995. The Index of the Milman Parry Collection, 1933-1935: Heroic Songs, Conversations and Stories. Milman Parry Studies in Oral Tradition. Kirk, G. S. 1962. The Songs of Homer. Cambridge, England. Koljevic, S. 1980. The Epic in the Making. Oxford. Kolsti, J. 1990. The Bilingual Singer: A Study in Albanian and Serbo-Croatian Oral Epic Traditions. Harvard Dissertations in Folklore and Oral Tradition. New York. Krishna, V. 1982. "Parataxis, Formulaic Density, and Thrift in the Alliterative Morte Arthure." Speculum 57:63-83. Lamberterie, C. de. 1997. "Milman Parry et Antoine Meillet ." In Letoublon 1997:9-22. Letoublon, F., ed. 1997. Hommage a Milman Parry: Le style formulaire de l'epopee homerique et la theorie de l'oralite poetique. Amsterdam. Lonnroth, L. 1971. "Hjalmar's Death-Song and the Delivery of Eddic Poetry." Speculum 46:1-20. --------. 1976. Njals Saga: A Critical Introduction. Berkeley. Lord, A. B. 1948. "Homer, Parry, and Huso." American Journal of Archaeology 52:34-44. --------. 1953. "Homer's Originality: Oral Dictated Texts." Transactions of the American Philological Association 94:124-134. Rewritten, with minimal changes, in Lord 1991:38-48 (with an "Addendum 1990" at pp. 47-48). --------. 1960. The Singer of Tales. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 24. Cambridge, Mass. --------. 1965. "Yugoslav Epic Folk Poetry." In The Study of Folklore, ed. A. Dundes (Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1965), 265-268 [originally published in Journal of the International Folk Music Council 3 (1951), 57-61]. --------. 1974. "Perspectives on Recent Work on Oral Literature." Forum for Modern Language Studies 10:1-21. Reprinted in Foley 1990:31-51. --------. 1984. "The Battle of Kosovo in Albanian and Serbocroatian Oral Epic Songs." In Studies on Kosova, ed. A. Pipa and S. Repishti, 65-83. East European Monographs 155. Boulder, Colo., and New York. --------. 1986a. "The Merging of Two Worlds: Oral and Written Poetry as Carriers of Ancient Values." In Foley 1986:19-64. --------. 1986b. "Perspectives on Recent Work on the Oral Traditional Formula." Oral Tradition 1:467-503. Reprinted (and abbreviated) in Foley 1990:379-405. --------. 1991. Epic Singers and Oral Tradition. Ithaca. --------. 1995. The Singer Resumes the Tale, ed. M. L. Lord. Ithaca. Loud, J. F. See Bynum 1993. MacCana, P. 1980. The Learned Tales of Medieval Ireland. Dublin. Martin, R. P. 1984. "Hesiod, Odysseus, and the Instruction of Princes." Transactions of the American Philological Association 114:29-48. --------. 1989. The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performance in the Iliad. Ithaca. Meillet, A. 1925. La methode comparative en linguistique historique. Paris. Mitchell, S. A. 1987. "The Sagaman and Oral Literature: The Icelandic Traditions of Hjorleifr inn kvensami and Geirmundr heljarskinn." In Foley 1987:395-423. --------. 1991. Heroic Sagas and Ballads. Ithaca. --------. 1997. "Courts, Consorts and the Transformation of Medieval Scandinavian Literature." Germanic Studies in Honor of Anatoly Liberman, ed. M. Berryman, K. G. Goblirsch, and M. Taylor, 229-242. North-Western European Language Evolution, 31-32. Monroe, J. T. 1972. "Oral Composition in Pre-Islamic Poetry." Journal of Arabic Literature 3:1-53. Muellner, L. 1976. The Meaning of Homeric EYXOMAI through Its Formulas. Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Sprachwissenschaft 13. Innsbruck. Nagler, M. N. 1974. Spontaneity and Tradition: A Study in the Oral Art of Homer. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Nagy, G. 1974. Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 33. Cambridge, Mass. ------. 1979. The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. 2nd ed. 1999, with new Introduction. Baltimore. --------. 1981. "An Evolutionary Model for the Text Fixation of Homeric Epos." In Foley 1981:390-393. --------. 1985. "Theognis and Megara: A Poet's Vision of His City." In Figueira and Nagy 1985:22-81. --------. 1986. "Ancient Greek Epic and Praise Poetry: Some Typological Considerations." In Foley 1986:89-102. Nagy, J. F. 1985. The Wisdom of the Outlaw: The Boyhood Deeds of Finn in Gaelic Narrative Tradition. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Continuing : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 文章来源 : 译者提供 |
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