[米切尔 纳吉]《故事的歌手》再版序 |
作者 : 斯蒂芬·米切尔(Stephen A. Mitchell) 格雷戈里·纳吉(Gregory Nagy) 译者 : 尹虎彬 (YIN Hubin) 译 姜德顺(JIANG Desun)审译 | 点击数 : 50081 |
Bakker, E. J. 1997. Poetry in Speech: Orality and Homeric Discourse. Ithaca. Bartok, B., and A. B. Lord. 1951. Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs: Texts and Transcriptions of Seventy-Five Folk Songs from the Milman Parry Collection and a Morphology of Serbo-Croatian Folk Melodies. New York. Basgoz, I. 1982. "Formula in Prose Narrative Hikaye." In Folklorica: Festschrift for Felix J. Oinas, ed. E. Zygas and P. Voorheis, 27-57. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series. Bloomington. Bauman, R. 1977. Verbal Art as Performance. Prospect Heights, Ill. --------. 1986. Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies of Oral Narrative. Cambridge, England. Bausinger, H. 1980. Formen der "Volkspoesie." 2nd ed. Berlin. Beissinger, M. H. 1991. The Art of the Lautar: The Epic Tradition of Romania. Harvard Dissertations in Oral Tradition. New York. Ben-Amos, D. 1976. "Analytical Categories and Ethnic Genres." Folklore Genres, ed. D. Ben-Amos, 215-242. Austin. Biebuyck, D. 1976. "The African Heroic Epic." Journal of the Folklore Institute 13:5-36. --------. 1978. Hero and Chief: Epic Literature from the Banyanga, Zaire Republic. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Biebuyck, D., and K. Mateene. 1969. The Mwindo Epic from the Banyanga. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Bird, C. S. 1976. "Poetry in the Mande:Its Form and Meaning." Poetics 5:89-100. Blackburn, S. H. 1989. "Patterns of Development for Indian Oral Epics." In Oral Epics in India, ed. Blackburn et al., 15-32. Blackburn, S. H., P. J. Claus, J. B. Flueckiger, and S. S. Wadley, eds. 1989. Oral Epics in India. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Buchholz, P. 1980. Vorzeitkunde:Mundliches Erzahlen und Uberliefern im mittelalterlichen Skandinavien nach dem Zeugnis von Fornaldarsaga und eddischer Dichtung. Skandinavistische Studien 13. Neumunster. Bynum, D. E., trans. 1993. Serbo-Croatian Heroic Poems: Epics from Bihac, Cazin, and Kulen Vakuf. Collected by Milman Parry, Albert B. Lord, and David E. Bynum. With additional translations by Mary P. Coote and John F. Loud. Milman Parry Studies in Oral Traditon. New York. See also Parry [1979]. Coote, M. P. 1978. "Serbocroatian Heroic Songs." Heroic Epic and Saga, ed. F. Oinas, 257-285. Bloomington, Ind. Danek, G. 1998. "Mythologische Exempla bei Homer und im sudslawischen Heldenlied." Acta Antiqua et Archaeologica 27 (Epik durch die Jahrhunderte: Internationale Konference Szeged 1997; ed. I. Tar), 82-91.Szeged. Davidson, O. M. 1985. "The Crown-Bestower in the Iranian Book of Kings." Acta Iranica, Hommages et Opera Minora 10: Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, 61-148. Leiden. --------. 1988. "A Formulaic Analysis of Samples Taken from the Shahnama of Ferdowsi." Oral Tradition 3:88-105. Reworked as the Appendix of Davidson 1994. --------. 1994. Poet and Hero in the Persian Book of Kings. Ithaca. Continuing : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 文章来源 : 译者提供 |
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