Articles and book chapters论文和书章:
1. “Greek-like Elements in Linear A.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 4 (1963): 181-211. 11
2. “Observations on the Sign-Groupings and Vocabulary of Linear A.” American Journal of Archaeology 69 (1965): 295-330.
3. “On Dialectal Anomalies in Pylian Texts.” Atti e Memorie del 1o Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia II (Rome 1968) 663-679.
4. (with F.W. Householder) “Greek.” Current Trends in Linguistics IX (ed. T. Sebeok. The Hague: 1972): 735-818.
5. “Phaethon, Sappho’s Phaon, and the White Rock of Leukas.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 77 (1973): 137-177.
6. “On the Death of Actaeon.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 77 (1973): 179-180.
7. “Six Studies of Sacral Vocabulary relating to the Fireplace.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 78 (1974): 71-106.
8. “Perkūnas and Perunŭ.” Gedenkschrift Hermann Güntert (ed. M. Mayrhofer et al.Innsbruck: 1974): 113-131.
9. “Formula and Meter.” Oral Literature and the Formula (ed. B.A. Stolz and R.S. Shannon. Ann Arbor: 1976): 239-260.
10. “The Name of Achilles: Etymology and Epic,” Festschrift Leonard R. Palmer, (ed. A. Morpurgo Davies and W. Meid. Innsbruck: 1976): 209-237.
11. “Iambos: Typologies of Invective and Praise.” Arethusa 9 (1976): 191-205.
12. “On the Origins of the Greek Hexameter,” Festschrift Oswald Szemerényi (ed. B. Brogyanyi. Amsterdam: 1979): 611-631.
13. “Patroklos, Concepts of Afterlife, and the Indic Triple Fire.” Arethusa 13 (1980): 161-195.
14. “An Evolutionary Model for the Text Fixation of Homeric Epos.” Oral Traditional Literature: A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord (ed. J. M. Foley. Columbus, Ohio: 1981): 390-393.
15. “Essai sur Georges Dumézil et l’étude de l’épopée grecque,” Cahiers “Pour un temps”/Georges Dumézil (ed. J. Bonnet et al. Aix-en-Provence: 1981): 137-145.
16. “Another Look at kleos aphthiton.” Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 7 (1981): 113-116.
17. “Benveniste’s Contribution to Homeric Studies: A Case in Point.” Semiotica Supplement (1981): 39-46.
18. “Theognis of Megara: The Poet as Seer, Pilot, and Revenant.” Arethusa 15 (1982): 109- 128.
19. “Hesiod,” Ancient Writers (ed. T.J. Luce. New York: 1982): 43-73.
20. “Sema and Noesis: Some Illustrations.” Arethusa 16 (1983): 35-55.
21. “Poet and Tyrant: Theognidea 39-52, 1081-1082b.” Studies in Classical Lyric: A Homage to Elroy Bundy (ed. T. D’Evelyn, P.N. Psoinos, and T. Walsh). Classical Antiquity 2 (1983): 82-91.
22. “On the Death of Sarpedon.” Approaches to Homer (ed. C.A. Rubino and C.W. Shelmerdine. Austin: 1983): 189-217.
23. “Oral Poetry and the Homeric Poems: Broadenings and Narrowings of Terms.” Critical Exchange 16 (1984): 32-54.
24. “On the Range of an Idiom in Homeric Dialogue.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 25 (1984): 233-238.
25. “Théognis et Mégare: Le poète dans l’âge de fer.” Revue de l’Histoire des Religions 201 (1984): 239-279.
26. “On the Symbolism of Apportioning Meat in Archaic Greek Elegiac Poetry.” Atti of the Conference Divisione delle carni, organizzazione del cosmo, dinamica sociale, Università di Siena, L’Uomo 9 (1985): 45-52.
27. “Theognis and Megara: A Poet’s Vision of his City,” a chapter (pp. 22-81) in the 1985 book cited above.
28. “Ancient Greek Epic and Praise Poetry: Some Typological Considerations.” The Oral Tradition in Literature: Interpretation in Context (ed. J. M. Foley. University of Missouri Press: 1986): 89-102.
29. “Pindar’s Olympian 1 and the Aetiology of the Olympic Games,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 116 (1986) 71-88.
30. “Sovereignty, Boiling Cauldrons, and Chariot-Racing in Pindar’s Olympian 1,” Cosmos 2 (1986) 143-147.
31. “Poetic Visions of Immortality for the Hero,” Modern Critical Views: Homer (ed. H. Bloom; New York 1986) 205-212.
32. “The Worst of the Achaeans,” Modern Critical Views: Homer (ed. H. Bloom: New York 1986) 213-215.
33. “The Indo-European Heritage of Tribal Organization: Evidence from the Greek Polis,” Proto-Indo-European: The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem. Studies in Honor of Marija Gimbutas (ed. S. N. Skomal and E. C. Polomé: Washington 1987) 245-266.
34. “Herodotus the Logios,” Arethusa 20 (1987) 175-184.
35. “The Sign of Protesilaos,” METIS: Revue d’Anthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien 2 (1987 [1988]) 207-213.
36. “Homerische Epik und Pindars Preislieder: Mündlichkeit und Aktualitätsbezug,” Zwischen Festtag und Alltag: Zehn Beiträge zum Thema ‘Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit’ (ed. W. Raible: Tübingen 1988) 51-64.
37. “Teaching the Ordeal of Reading,” Harvard English Studies 15 (1988) 163-167.
38. “Mythe et prose en Grèce archaïque: L’Aînos,” Métamorphoses du mythe (ed. C. Calame: Geneva 1988) 229-242.
39. “Sul simbolismo della ripartizione nella poesia elegiaca,” Sacrificio e società nel mondo antico (ed. C. Grottanelli and N. F. Parise: Rome/Bari 1988) 202-209.
40. “The Pan-Hellenization of the ‘Days’ in the Works and Days,” Daidalikon: Studies in Memory of Raymond V. Schoder, S.J. (ed. R. F. Sutton: Wauconda, Illinois: 1988) 273-277.
41. “Early Greek Views of Poets and Poetry,” Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, vol. 1 (ed. G. Kennedy: Cambridge 1989), pp. 1-77.
42. “The Professional Muse and Models of Prestige in Ancient Greece,” Cultural Critique 12 (1989) 133-143.
43. “The Crisis of Performance,” in The Ends of Rhetoric: History, Theory, Practice (ed. J. Bender and D. E. Wellbery: Stanford 1990) 43-59.
44. “Death of a Schoolboy: The Early Greek Beginnings of a Crisis in Philology,” Comparative Literature Studies 27 (1990) 37-48: reprinted in On Philology (ed. J. Ziolkowski: Pennsylvania State University Press 1990) 37-48.
45. “Ancient Greek Poetry, Prophecy, and Concepts of Theory,” in Poetry and Prophecy (ed. J. Kugel: Cornell University Press 1990) 56-64, 200-203.
46. “Song and Dance: Reflections on a Comparison of Faroese Ballad with Greek Choral Lyric,” The Ballad and Oral Literature (ed. J. Harris), Harvard English Studies 17 (Harvard University Press 1991) 214-232.
47. “Oral Poetry and Ancient Greek Poetry: Broadenings and Narrowings of Terms,” Liverpool Classical Papers 2 (Liverpool 1992) 15-37.
48. Introduction to Homer, The Iliad, translated by Robert Fitzgerald (Everyman’s Library no. 60, Knopf, New York 1992) v-xxi.
49. “Mythological Exemplum in Homer,” Chapter 9 in Innovations of Antiquity (ed. D. Selden and R. Hexter: London 1992) 311-331.
50. “Homeric Questions,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 122 (1992) 17- 60.
51. “Metrical Convergences and Divergences in Early Greek Poetry and Song,” Historical Philology: Greek, Latin, and Romance. Papers in Honor of Oswald Szemerényi II (ed. B. Brogyanyi and R. Lipp)= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 87 (1992) 151-185.
52. “Authorization and Authorship in the Hesiodic Theogony,” Ramus 21 (1992) 119-130.
53. “Alcaeus in Sacred Space,” Tradizione e innovazione: scritti in onore di Bruno Gentili I (ed. R. Pretagostini: Rome 1993) 221-225.
54. “Copies and Models in Horace Odes 4.1 and 4.2,” Classical World 87 (1994) 415-426.
55. “The Name of Apollo: Etymology and Essence.” Apollo: Origins and Influences (ed. J. Solomon: Tucson: The University of Arizona Press 1994) 3-7.
56. “The Name of Achilles: Questions of Etymology and ‘Folk Etymology’.” Illinois Classical Studies 19 (Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich vol. 2: 1994) 3-9.
57. “Transformations of Choral Lyric Traditions in the Context of Athenian State Theater,” Arion 3.2 (1994/5) 41-55.
58. “An Evolutionary Model for the Making of Homeric Poetry: Comparative Perspectives,” The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule (ed. J. B. Carter and S. P. Morris: Austin: University of Texas Press 1995) 163-179.
59. “Le rossignol d’Homère et la poétique de la mouvance dans l’art d’un troubadour.” L’inactuel 4 (1995) 37-63.
60. “Images of Justice in Early Greek Poetry.” Social Justice in the Ancient World (ed. K. D. Irani and Morris Silver), pp. 61-68. Greenwood Press, Wesport, CT 1995 [publ. 1996].
61. “Aristocrazia: Caratteri e stili di vita,” I Greci: Storia, Cultura, Arte, Società (ed. Salvatore Settis), pp. 577-598. Giulio Einaudi, Torino 1996.
62. “Metrical Convergences and Divergences in Early Greek Poetry and Song.” Struttura e storia dell’esametro greco (ed. M. Fantuzzi and R. Pretagostini) II 63-110. Rome 1996.
63. “Editing Homer, Rethinking the Bard.” Fieldword: Sites in Literary and Cultural Studies (ed. Marjorie Garber, Rebecca L. Walkowitz, Paul B. Franklin), pp. 169-172. Routledge, New York and London 1996.
64. “Ellipsis in Homer.” Written Voices, Spoken Signs: Tradition, Performance, and the Epic Text (ed. Egbert Bakker and Ahuvia Kahane), pp. 167-189, 253-257. Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1997.
65. “Homeric Scholia,” A New Companion to Homer (ed. Ian Morris and Barry Powell), pp. 101-122. Brill, Leiden 1997.
66. “The Shield of Achilles: Ends of the Iliad and Beginnings of the Polis.” New Light on a Dark Age: Exploring the Culture of Geometric Greece (ed. Susan Langdon), pp. 194-207. University of Missouri Press, Columbia 1997.
67. “An inventory of debatable assumptions about a Homeric question.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1997.4.18.
68. “Autorité et auteur dans la Théogonie hésiodique,” Le métier du mythe: Lectures d’Hésiode (ed. Fabienne Blaise, Pierre Judet de La Combe, Philippe Rousseau), pp. 41-52.
69. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Paris 1996 [appeared in 1997].
70. “L’épopée homérique et la fixation du texte.” Hommage à Milman Parry (ed. Françoise Létoublon: Amsterdam 1997) 57-78.
71. “A Mycenaean Reflex in Homer: ΦΟΡΗΝΑΙ.” Minos: Revista de Filología Egea 29-30 (1994-95; appeared in 1998) 171-175.
72. “Aristarchean Questions.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1998, 98.7.
73. “Genre and Occasion,” METIS: Revue d’Anthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien 9-10 (1994-95; appeared in 1998) 11-25.
74. “The Library of Pergamon as a Classical Model.” Pergamon: Citadel of the Gods (ed. H. Koester) Harvard Theological Studies 46 (1998) 185-232.
75. “Is there an etymology for the dactylic hexameter?” Mír Curad: Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins (edited by J. Jasanoff, H. C. Melchert, L. Oliver: Innsbruck 1998) 495-508.
76. “Homer as ‘Text’ and the Poetics of Cross-Reference.”Verschriftung und Verschriftlichung: Aspekte des Medienwechsels in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen (ed. Christine Ehler and Ursula Schaefer), Scriptoralia vol. 94. G. Narr Verlag, Tübingen 1998, pp. 78-87.
77. “Homer and Plato at the Panathenaia: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives,”Contextualizing Classics (ed. T. Falkner, N. Felson, D. Konstan: Lanham MD 1999)123-150.
78. “Irreversible Mistakes and Homeric Poetry.” Euphrosyne: Studies in Ancient Epic and its Legacy in Honor of Dimitris N. Maronitis (ed. J. N. Kazazis and A. Rengakos: Stuttgart 1999) 259-274.
79. “Comments” on “Symbolae Osloenses Debate: Dividing Homer: When and How were the Iliad and Odyssey Divided into Songs?” Symbolae Osloenses 74 (1999) 64-68.
80. “Les éditions alexandrines d’Homère au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècles.” Homère en France après la Querelle (1715-1900) (ed. F. Létoublon and C. Volpilhac-Auger: Paris 1999)63-72.
81. “Epic as Genre,” Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community (ed. M. Beissinger, J. Tylus, and S. Wofford: Berkeley and Los Angeles 1999) 21-32.
82. “As the World Runs Out of Breath: Metaphorical Perspectives on the Heavens and the Atmosphere in the Ancient World.” Earth, Air, Fire, Water: Humanistic Studies of the Environment (ed. J. C. Ker, K. Keniston, K., and L. Marx: Amherst MA 1999) 37-50.
83. “Epic as Music: Rhapsodic Models of Homer in Plato’s Timaeus and Critias.” The Oral Epic: Performance and Music (ed. K. Reichl: Berlin 2000) 41-67.
84. “Homeric humnos as a Rhapsodic Term.” Una nueva visión de la cultura griega Antigua hacia el fin del milenio (ed. Ana M. González de Tobia: La Plata 2000) 385-401. {Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.}
85. “Distortion diachronique dans l’art homérique: quelques précisions.” Constructions du temps dans le monde ancien (ed. Catherine Darbo-Peschanski: Paris 2000) 417-426.
86. “Reading Greek Poetry Aloud: Evidence from the Bacchylides Papyri.” Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 64 (2000) 7-28.
87. “Thánatos henós mathêtê: Hoi prô'imes hellênikés aparkhés miâs krísês stê'philología,” Nea Hestia 148 (December 2000) 790-806.
88. “The Textualizing of Homer.” Inclinate Aurem - Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal Culture. (ed. Jan Helldén, Minna Skafte Jensen and Tom Pettitt: Odense University Press 2001) 57-84.
89. “Reading Bakhtin Reading the Classics: An Epic Fate for Conveyors of the Heroic Past,” In R. B. Branham, ed. Bakhtin and the Classics (Evanston IL 2001) 71-96.
90. “Orality and Literacy.”Encyclopedia of Rhetoric (ed. T. O. Sloane: Oxford 2001) 532-538.
91. “Dream of a Shade”: Refractions of Epic Vision in Pindar’s Pythian 8 and Aeschylus’ Seven against Thebes. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 100 (2000; really 2001) 97-118.
92. “Homère comme modèle classique pour la bibliothèque antique: les métaphores du corpus et du cosmos.” Des Alexandries I: Du livre au texte (ed. L. Giard and Ch. Jacob; Paris 2001) 149-161.
93. “Homeric Poetry and Problems of Multiformity: The ‘Panathenaic Bottleneck’.” Classical Philology 96 (2001) 109-119.
94. “The Sign of the Hero: A Prologue,” Flavius Philostratus, Heroikos (ed. J. K. Berenson Maclean and E. B. Aitken; Atlanta 2001) xv-xxxv.
95. “The Idea of the Library as a Classical Model for European Culture,” in Europa e Cultura, Seminário Internacional, Fundaçâo Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon 2001) 275-281.
96. “Η ποιητική της προφορικότητας και η ομηρική έρευνα.” Νεκρά γράμματα· οι κλασσικές σπουδές στον 21o αιώνα (ed. A. Rengakos; Athens 2001) 135-146.
97. “Éléments orphiques chez Homère.” Kernos 14 (2001) 1-9.
98. “The Language of Heroes as Mantic Poetry: Hypokrisis in Homer.” Beiträge zur Homerforschung: Festschrift Wolfgang Kullmann (ed. M. Reichel and A. Rengakos: Stuttgart 2002) 141-149.
99. “Can myth be saved?” Myth: A New Symposium (ed. G. Schrempp and W. Hansen; Bloomington 2002) 240-248.
100. “Lire la poésie grecque à haute voix: Le témoignage des papyri de Bacchylide.” Des Alexandries II: Les métamorphoses du lecteur (ed. Ch. Jacob; Paris 2003) 131-144.
101. “Transmission of Archaic Greek Sympotic Songs: From Lesbos to Alexandria.” Critical Inquiry 31 (2004) 26-48.
102. “L’aède épique en auteur: la tradition des Vies d’Homère.” Identités d’auteur dans l’Antiquité et la tradition européenne (ed. C. Calame and R. Chartier; Grenoble 2004) 41-67.
103. “Poetics of Repetition in Homer.” In Greek Ritual Poetics (ed. D. Yatromanolakis and P. Roilos; Cambridge MA 2004) 139-148.
104. “The Epic Hero.” In A Companion to Ancient Epic (ed. John M. Foley; Oxford 2005) 71-89. Fuller version at _the_epic/bn_u_tei.xml_5
105. “An Apobatic Moment for Achilles as Athlete at the Festival of the Panathenaia.” Imeros 5 (2005) 311-317.
106. “Homer’s Name Revisited.” La langue poétique indo-européenne (ed. G.-J. Pinault and D. Petit; Actes du Colloque de travail de la Société des Études Indo-Européennes [Indogermanische Gesellschaft / Society for Indo-European Studies], Paris, 22-24 octobre 2003; Collection linguistique de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, t. 91; Leuven and Paris 2006) 317-330.
107. “Hymnic Elements in Empedocles (B 35 DK = 201 Bollack).” Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 24 (2006) 51-61.
108. “Emergence of Drama: Introduction and Discussion.” The Origins of Theater in Ancient Greece and Beyond: From Ritual to Drama (ed. E. Csapo and M. C. Miller; Cambridge UP 2007) 121-125.
109. “Did Sappho and Alcaeus ever meet?” Literatur und Religion. Wege zu einer mythisch–rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen (ed. A. Bierl, R. Lämmle, K. Wesselmann;
110. Basiliensia – MythosEikonPoiesis, vol. 1.1; München / Leipzig 2007) 211–269.
111. “Lyric and Greek Myth.” The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology (ed. R. D. Woodard; Cambridge UP 2007) 19-51.
112. “Homer and Greek Myth.” The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology (ed. R. D. Woodard; Cambridge UP 2007) 52-82.
113. “Convergences and Divergences between God and Hero in the Mnesiepes Inscription of
114. Paros.” Archilochus and his Age II (ed. D. Katsonopoulou, I. Petropoulos, S. Katsarou; Athens 2008) 259-265.
115. “Epic.” The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Literature (ed. R. Eldridge; Oxford 2009) 19-44.
116. “Traces of an ancient system of reading Homeric verse in the Venetus A.” Recapturing a Homeric Legacy: Images and Insights from the Venetus A Manuscript of the Iliad (ed. C. Dué; Cambridge MA and Washington DC 2009) 133-157.
117. “Performance and Text in Ancient Greece.” Chapter 34, The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies (ed. G. Boys-Stones, B. Graziosi, P. Vasunia; Oxford 2009) 417-431
118. “Hesiod and the Ancient Biographical Traditions.” Brill Companion to Hesiod (ed. F. Montanari, A. Rengakos, and Ch. Tsagalis; Leiden 2009) 271-311.
1. J. Chadwick, The Decipherment of Linear B (2nd ed. Cambridge 1967), General Linguistics 9 (1969), 123-132.
2. D. Fehling, Die Wiederholungsfiguren und ihr Gebrauch bei den Griechen vor Gorgias (Berlin 1969), American Journal of Philology 92 (1972), 730-733.
3. G. P. Edwards, The Language of Hesiod in its Traditional Context (Oxford 1971), Canadian Journal of Linguistics 21 (1976) 219-224.
4. W. Meid, Dichter und Dichtkunst in indogermanischer Zeit (Innsbruck 1978), in Kratylos 25 (1981), 209.
5. W. Burkert, Griechische Religion in der archaischen und klassischen Zeit (Stuttgart 1977) , Classical Philology 77 (1982), 70-73.
6. W. Burkert, Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual (Berkeley and Los Angeles 1980), Classical Philology 77 (1982), 159-161.
7. M. Detienne, L’invention de la mythologie (Paris 1981), Annales Economies Sociétés Civilisations (1982), 778-780.
8. A.M. Bowie, The Poetic Dialect of Sappho and Alcaeus (New York 1981), Phoenix 37 (1983), 273-275.
9. G. Dumézil, Camillus: A Study of Indo-European Religion as Roman History (Berkeley 1980), in Classical Outlook 61 (1983), 29.
10. L. R. Palmer, The Greek Language (Atlantic Highlands 1980), Classical Journal 79 (1983), 64-65.
11. D. M. Shive, Naming Achilles (New York and Oxford 1987), Phoenix 42 (1988), 364-366.
12. M. L. West (Ed.), Homeri Ilias. Recensuit / testimonia congessit. Volumen prius, rhapsodias I-XII continens. (Bibliotheca Teubneriana, 1998), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 00.09.12(2000),
13. Boedeker, D., and Sider, D. (eds.), The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire (Oxford 2001). lassical Review 55 (2005), 407-409.
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