Books 著作:

1.         Greek Dialects and the Transformation of an Indo-European Process. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1970.
2.         With F.W. Householder. Greek: A Survey of Recent Work. Janua Linguarum Series Practica 211. The Hague: Mouton, 1972.
3.         Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter. Harvard Monographs in Comparative Literature 33. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1974.
4.         The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979; 2nd edition of paperback version (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999); new introduction, written by the author; French version: Le meilleur des Achéens: La fabrique du héros dans la poésie grecque archaïque, trans. J. Carlier and N. Loraux. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1994.
5.         Ed. with T.J. Figueira. Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.
6.         Pindars Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990; paperback 1994.
7.         Greek Mythology and Poetics. Cornell University Press, 1990 (paperback 1992).
8.         Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
9.         French version: La poésie en acte: Homère et autres chants, trans. Jean Bouffartigue. Paris: Belin, 2000.
10.      Homeric Questions. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.
11.      Ed. with Victor Bers. The Classics In East Europe: From the End of World War II to the Present. American Philological Association Pamphlet Series, 1996.
12.      Ed. with Stephen A. Mitchell. The Singer of Tales. 40th anniversary 2nd ed. of Albert Lord. Harvard University Press, 2000; co-authored with Mitchell the new Introduction, pp. vii-xxix.
13.      Ed. Greek Literature, 9 volumes (Routledge 2001), plus nine introductions written by editor:
Volume 1. The Oral Traditional Background of Ancient Greek Literature
Volume 2. Homer and Hesiod as Prototypes of Greek Literature.
Volume 3. Greek Literature in the Archaic Period: The Emergence of Authorship
Volume 4. Greek literature in the Classical Period: The Poetics of Drama in Athens
Volume 5. Greek literature in the Classical period: The Prose of Historiography and Oratory
Volume 6. Greek Literature and Philosophy
Volume 7. Greek Literature in the Hellenistic Period
Volume 8. Greek Literature in the Roman Period and in Late Antiquity
Volume 9. Greek literature in the Byzantine period
14.      Ed. with Nicole Loraux and Laura Slatkin. Antiquities (New Press 2001).
15.      Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. Cambridge MA and Athens: 2002.
16.      Homeric Responses. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.
17.      Homer’s Text and Language. University of Illinois Press, 2004..
18.      Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter ed. 2. Electronic publication in the Hellenic Studies series (Center for Hellenic Studies 2008).
19.      Greek: Toward an Updating of a Survey of Recent Work. Electronic publication in the Hellenic Studies series (Center for Hellenic Studies 2008).
20.      Homer the Classic (on-line version, 2008; printed version, Harvard University Press 2009).
21.      Homer the Preclassic (on-line version, 2009; printed version, Berkeley /Los Angeles CA 2010).
1.         J. Chadwick, The Decipherment of Linear B (2nd ed. Cambridge 1967), General Linguistics 9 (1969), 123-132.
2.         D. Fehling, Die Wiederholungsfiguren und ihr Gebrauch bei den Griechen vor Gorgias (Berlin 1969), American Journal of Philology 92 (1972), 730-733.
3.         G. P. Edwards, The Language of Hesiod in its Traditional Context (Oxford 1971), Canadian Journal of Linguistics 21 (1976) 219-224.
4.         W. Meid, Dichter und Dichtkunst in indogermanischer Zeit (Innsbruck 1978), in Kratylos 25 (1981), 209.
5.         W. Burkert, Griechische Religion in der archaischen und klassischen Zeit (Stuttgart 1977) , Classical Philology 77 (1982), 70-73.
6.         W. Burkert, Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual (Berkeley and Los Angeles 1980), Classical Philology 77 (1982), 159-161.
7.         M. Detienne, Linvention de la mythologie (Paris 1981), Annales Economies Sociétés Civilisations (1982), 778-780.
8.         A.M. Bowie, The Poetic Dialect of Sappho and Alcaeus (New York 1981), Phoenix 37 (1983), 273-275.
9.         G. Dumézil, Camillus: A Study of Indo-European Religion as Roman History (Berkeley 1980), in Classical Outlook 61 (1983), 29.
10.      L. R. Palmer, The Greek Language (Atlantic Highlands 1980), Classical Journal 79 (1983), 64-65.
11.      D. M. Shive, Naming Achilles (New York and Oxford 1987), Phoenix 42 (1988), 364-366.
12.      M. L. West (Ed.), Homeri Ilias. Recensuit / testimonia congessit. Volumen prius, rhapsodias I-XII continens. (Bibliotheca Teubneriana, 1998), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 00.09.12(2000),
13.      Boedeker, D., and Sider, D. (eds.), The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire (Oxford 2001). lassical Review 55 (2005), 407-409.
Articles and book chapters论文和书章:
1.         “Greek-like Elements in Linear A.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 4 (1963): 181-211. 11
2.         “Observations on the Sign-Groupings and Vocabulary of Linear A.” American Journal of Archaeology 69 (1965): 295-330.
3.         “On Dialectal Anomalies in Pylian Texts.” Atti e Memorie del 1o Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia II (Rome 1968) 663-679.
4.         (with F.W. Householder) “Greek.” Current Trends in Linguistics IX (ed. T. Sebeok. The Hague: 1972): 735-818.
5.         “Phaethon, Sappho’s Phaon, and the White Rock of Leukas.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 77 (1973): 137-177.
6.         “On the Death of Actaeon.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 77 (1973): 179-180.
7.         “Six Studies of Sacral Vocabulary relating to the Fireplace.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 78 (1974): 71-106.
8.         “Perkūnas and Perunŭ.” Gedenkschrift Hermann Güntert (ed. M. Mayrhofer et al.Innsbruck: 1974): 113-131.
9.         “Formula and Meter.” Oral Literature and the Formula (ed. B.A. Stolz and R.S. Shannon. Ann Arbor: 1976): 239-260.
10.      “The Name of Achilles: Etymology and Epic,” Festschrift Leonard R. Palmer, (ed. A. Morpurgo Davies and W. Meid. Innsbruck: 1976): 209-237.
11.      “Iambos: Typologies of Invective and Praise.” Arethusa 9 (1976): 191-205.
12.      “On the Origins of the Greek Hexameter,” Festschrift Oswald Szemerényi (ed. B. Brogyanyi. Amsterdam: 1979): 611-631.
13.      “Patroklos, Concepts of Afterlife, and the Indic Triple Fire.” Arethusa 13 (1980): 161-195.
14.      “An Evolutionary Model for the Text Fixation of Homeric Epos.” Oral Traditional Literature: A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord (ed. J. M. Foley. Columbus, Ohio: 1981): 390-393.
15.      “Essai sur Georges Dumézil et l’étude de l’épopée grecque,” Cahiers Pour un temps/Georges Dumézil (ed. J. Bonnet et al. Aix-en-Provence: 1981): 137-145.
16.      “Another Look at kleos aphthiton.” Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 7 (1981): 113-116.
17.      “Benveniste’s Contribution to Homeric Studies: A Case in Point.” Semiotica Supplement (1981): 39-46.
18.      “Theognis of Megara: The Poet as Seer, Pilot, and Revenant.” Arethusa 15 (1982): 109- 128.
19.      “Hesiod,” Ancient Writers (ed. T.J. Luce. New York: 1982): 43-73.
20.      “Sema and Noesis: Some Illustrations.” Arethusa 16 (1983): 35-55.
21.      “Poet and Tyrant: Theognidea 39-52, 1081-1082b.” Studies in Classical Lyric: A Homage to Elroy Bundy (ed. T. D’Evelyn, P.N. Psoinos, and T. Walsh). Classical Antiquity 2 (1983): 82-91.
22.      “On the Death of Sarpedon.” Approaches to Homer (ed. C.A. Rubino and C.W. Shelmerdine. Austin: 1983): 189-217.
23.      “Oral Poetry and the Homeric Poems: Broadenings and Narrowings of Terms.” Critical Exchange 16 (1984): 32-54.
24.      “On the Range of an Idiom in Homeric Dialogue.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 25 (1984): 233-238.
25.      “Théognis et Mégare: Le poète dans l’âge de fer.” Revue de lHistoire des Religions 201 (1984): 239-279.
26.      “On the Symbolism of Apportioning Meat in Archaic Greek Elegiac Poetry.” Atti of the Conference Divisione delle carni, organizzazione del cosmo, dinamica sociale, Università di Siena, LUomo 9 (1985): 45-52.
27.      “Theognis and Megara: A Poet’s Vision of his City,” a chapter (pp. 22-81) in the 1985 book cited above.
28.      “Ancient Greek Epic and Praise Poetry: Some Typological Considerations.” The Oral Tradition in Literature: Interpretation in Context (ed. J. M. Foley. University of Missouri Press: 1986): 89-102.
29.      “Pindar’s Olympian 1 and the Aetiology of the Olympic Games,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 116 (1986) 71-88.
30.      “Sovereignty, Boiling Cauldrons, and Chariot-Racing in Pindar’s Olympian 1,” Cosmos 2 (1986) 143-147.
31.      “Poetic Visions of Immortality for the Hero,” Modern Critical Views: Homer (ed. H. Bloom; New York 1986) 205-212.
32.      “The Worst of the Achaeans,” Modern Critical Views: Homer (ed. H. Bloom: New York 1986) 213-215.
33.      “The Indo-European Heritage of Tribal Organization: Evidence from the Greek Polis,” Proto-Indo-European: The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem. Studies in Honor of Marija Gimbutas (ed. S. N. Skomal and E. C. Polomé: Washington 1987) 245-266.
34.      “Herodotus the Logios,” Arethusa 20 (1987) 175-184.
35.      “The Sign of Protesilaos,” METIS: Revue dAnthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien 2 (1987 [1988]) 207-213.
36.      “Homerische Epik und Pindars Preislieder: Mündlichkeit und Aktualitätsbezug,” Zwischen Festtag und Alltag: Zehn Beiträge zum Thema Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit’ (ed. W. Raible: Tübingen 1988) 51-64.
37.      “Teaching the Ordeal of Reading,” Harvard English Studies 15 (1988) 163-167.
38.      “Mythe et prose en Grèce archaïque: L’Aînos,” Métamorphoses du mythe (ed. C. Calame: Geneva 1988) 229-242.
39.      “Sul simbolismo della ripartizione nella poesia elegiaca,” Sacrificio e società nel mondo antico (ed. C. Grottanelli and N. F. Parise: Rome/Bari 1988) 202-209.
40.      “The Pan-Hellenization of the ‘Days’ in the Works and Days,” Daidalikon: Studies in Memory of Raymond V. Schoder, S.J. (ed. R. F. Sutton: Wauconda, Illinois: 1988) 273-277.
41.      “Early Greek Views of Poets and Poetry,” Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, vol. 1 (ed. G. Kennedy: Cambridge 1989), pp. 1-77.
42.      “The Professional Muse and Models of Prestige in Ancient Greece,” Cultural Critique 12 (1989) 133-143.
43.      “The Crisis of Performance,” in The Ends of Rhetoric: History, Theory, Practice (ed. J. Bender and D. E. Wellbery: Stanford 1990) 43-59.
44.      “Death of a Schoolboy: The Early Greek Beginnings of a Crisis in Philology,” Comparative Literature Studies 27 (1990) 37-48: reprinted in On Philology (ed. J. Ziolkowski: Pennsylvania State University Press 1990) 37-48.
45.      “Ancient Greek Poetry, Prophecy, and Concepts of Theory,” in Poetry and Prophecy (ed. J. Kugel: Cornell University Press 1990) 56-64, 200-203.
46.      “Song and Dance: Reflections on a Comparison of Faroese Ballad with Greek Choral Lyric,” The Ballad and Oral Literature (ed. J. Harris), Harvard English Studies 17 (Harvard University Press 1991) 214-232.
47.      “Oral Poetry and Ancient Greek Poetry: Broadenings and Narrowings of Terms,” Liverpool Classical Papers 2 (Liverpool 1992) 15-37.
48.      Introduction to Homer, The Iliad, translated by Robert Fitzgerald (Everyman’s Library no. 60, Knopf, New York 1992) v-xxi.
49.      “Mythological Exemplum in Homer,” Chapter 9 in Innovations of Antiquity (ed. D. Selden and R. Hexter: London 1992) 311-331.
50.      “Homeric Questions,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 122 (1992) 17- 60.
51.      “Metrical Convergences and Divergences in Early Greek Poetry and Song,” Historical Philology: Greek, Latin, and Romance. Papers in Honor of Oswald Szemerényi II (ed. B. Brogyanyi and R. Lipp)= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 87 (1992) 151-185.
52.      “Authorization and Authorship in the Hesiodic Theogony,” Ramus 21 (1992) 119-130.
53.      “Alcaeus in Sacred Space,” Tradizione e innovazione: scritti in onore di Bruno Gentili I (ed. R. Pretagostini: Rome 1993) 221-225.
54.      “Copies and Models in Horace Odes 4.1 and 4.2,” Classical World 87 (1994) 415-426.
55.      “The Name of Apollo: Etymology and Essence.” Apollo: Origins and Influences (ed. J. Solomon: Tucson: The University of Arizona Press 1994) 3-7.
56.      “The Name of Achilles: Questions of Etymology and ‘Folk Etymology’.” Illinois Classical Studies 19 (Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich vol. 2: 1994) 3-9.
57.      “Transformations of Choral Lyric Traditions in the Context of Athenian State Theater,” Arion 3.2 (1994/5) 41-55.
58.      “An Evolutionary Model for the Making of Homeric Poetry: Comparative Perspectives,” The Ages of Homer: A Tribute to Emily Townsend Vermeule (ed. J. B. Carter and S. P. Morris: Austin: University of Texas Press 1995) 163-179.
59.      “Le rossignol d’Homère et la poétique de la mouvance dans l’art d’un troubadour.” L’inactuel 4 (1995) 37-63.
60.      “Images of Justice in Early Greek Poetry.” Social Justice in the Ancient World (ed. K. D. Irani and Morris Silver), pp. 61-68. Greenwood Press, Wesport, CT 1995 [publ. 1996].
61.      “Aristocrazia: Caratteri e stili di vita,” I Greci: Storia, Cultura, Arte, Società (ed. Salvatore Settis), pp. 577-598. Giulio Einaudi, Torino 1996.
62.      “Metrical Convergences and Divergences in Early Greek Poetry and Song.” Struttura e storia dell’esametro greco (ed. M. Fantuzzi and R. Pretagostini) II 63-110. Rome 1996.
63.      “Editing Homer, Rethinking the Bard.” Fieldword: Sites in Literary and Cultural Studies (ed. Marjorie Garber, Rebecca L. Walkowitz, Paul B. Franklin), pp. 169-172. Routledge, New York and London 1996.
64.      “Ellipsis in Homer.” Written Voices, Spoken Signs: Tradition, Performance, and the Epic Text (ed. Egbert Bakker and Ahuvia Kahane), pp. 167-189, 253-257. Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1997.
65.      “Homeric Scholia,” A New Companion to Homer (ed. Ian Morris and Barry Powell), pp. 101-122. Brill, Leiden 1997.
66.      “The Shield of Achilles: Ends of the Iliad and Beginnings of the Polis.” New Light on a Dark Age: Exploring the Culture of Geometric Greece (ed. Susan Langdon), pp. 194-207. University of Missouri Press, Columbia 1997.
67.      “An inventory of debatable assumptions about a Homeric question.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1997.4.18.
68.      “Autorité et auteur dans la Théogonie hésiodique,” Le métier du mythe: Lectures d’Hésiode (ed. Fabienne Blaise, Pierre Judet de La Combe, Philippe Rousseau), pp. 41-52.
69.      Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Paris 1996 [appeared in 1997].
70.      “L’épopée homérique et la fixation du texte.” Hommage à Milman Parry (ed. Françoise Létoublon: Amsterdam 1997) 57-78.
71.      “A Mycenaean Reflex in Homer: ΦΟΡΗΝΑΙ.” Minos: Revista de Filología Egea 29-30 (1994-95; appeared in 1998) 171-175.
72.      “Aristarchean Questions.” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1998, 98.7.
73.      “Genre and Occasion,” METIS: Revue d’Anthropologie du Monde Grec Ancien 9-10 (1994-95; appeared in 1998) 11-25.
74.      “The Library of Pergamon as a Classical Model.” Pergamon: Citadel of the Gods (ed. H. Koester) Harvard Theological Studies 46 (1998) 185-232.
75.      “Is there an etymology for the dactylic hexameter?” Mír Curad: Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins (edited by J. Jasanoff, H. C. Melchert, L. Oliver: Innsbruck 1998) 495-508.
76.      “Homer as ‘Text’ and the Poetics of Cross-Reference.”Verschriftung und Verschriftlichung: Aspekte des Medienwechsels in verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen (ed. Christine Ehler and Ursula Schaefer), Scriptoralia vol. 94. G. Narr Verlag, Tübingen 1998, pp. 78-87.
77.      “Homer and Plato at the Panathenaia: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives,”Contextualizing Classics (ed. T. Falkner, N. Felson, D. Konstan: Lanham MD 1999)123-150.
78.      “Irreversible Mistakes and Homeric Poetry.” Euphrosyne: Studies in Ancient Epic and its Legacy in Honor of Dimitris N. Maronitis (ed. J. N. Kazazis and A. Rengakos: Stuttgart 1999) 259-274.
79.      “Comments” on “Symbolae Osloenses Debate: Dividing Homer: When and How were the Iliad and Odyssey Divided into Songs?” Symbolae Osloenses 74 (1999) 64-68.
80.      “Les éditions alexandrines d’Homère au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècles.” Homère en France après la Querelle (1715-1900) (ed. F. Létoublon and C. Volpilhac-Auger: Paris 1999)63-72.
81.      “Epic as Genre,” Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community (ed. M. Beissinger, J. Tylus, and S. Wofford: Berkeley and Los Angeles 1999) 21-32.
82.      “As the World Runs Out of Breath: Metaphorical Perspectives on the Heavens and the Atmosphere in the Ancient World.” Earth, Air, Fire, Water: Humanistic Studies of the Environment (ed. J. C. Ker, K. Keniston, K., and L. Marx: Amherst MA 1999) 37-50.
83.      “Epic as Music: Rhapsodic Models of Homer in Plato’s Timaeus and Critias.The Oral Epic: Performance and Music (ed. K. Reichl: Berlin 2000) 41-67.
84.      “Homeric humnos as a Rhapsodic Term.” Una nueva visión de la cultura griega Antigua hacia el fin del milenio (ed. Ana M. González de Tobia: La Plata 2000) 385-401. {Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.}
85.      “Distortion diachronique dans l’art homérique: quelques précisions.” Constructions du temps dans le monde ancien (ed. Catherine Darbo-Peschanski: Paris 2000) 417-426.
86.      “Reading Greek Poetry Aloud: Evidence from the Bacchylides Papyri.” Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 64 (2000) 7-28.
87.      “Thánatos henós mathêtê: Hoi prô'imes hellênikés aparkhés miâs krísês stê'philología,” Nea Hestia 148 (December 2000) 790-806.
88.      “The Textualizing of Homer.” Inclinate Aurem - Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal Culture. (ed. Jan Helldén, Minna Skafte Jensen and Tom Pettitt: Odense University Press 2001) 57-84.
89.      “Reading Bakhtin Reading the Classics: An Epic Fate for Conveyors of the Heroic Past,” In R. B. Branham, ed. Bakhtin and the Classics (Evanston IL 2001) 71-96.
90.      “Orality and Literacy.”Encyclopedia of Rhetoric (ed. T. O. Sloane: Oxford 2001) 532-538.
91.      “Dream of a Shade”: Refractions of Epic Vision in Pindar’s Pythian 8 and Aeschylus’ Seven against Thebes. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 100 (2000; really 2001) 97-118.
92.      “Homère comme modèle classique pour la bibliothèque antique: les métaphores du corpus et du cosmos.” Des Alexandries I: Du livre au texte (ed. L. Giard and Ch. Jacob; Paris 2001) 149-161.
93.      “Homeric Poetry and Problems of Multiformity: The ‘Panathenaic Bottleneck’.” Classical Philology 96 (2001) 109-119.
94.      “The Sign of the Hero: A Prologue,” Flavius Philostratus, Heroikos (ed. J. K. Berenson Maclean and E. B. Aitken; Atlanta 2001) xv-xxxv.
95.      “The Idea of the Library as a Classical Model for European Culture,” in Europa e Cultura, Seminário Internacional, Fundaçâo Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon 2001) 275-281.
96.      “Η ποιητική της προφορικότητας και η ομηρική έρευνα.” Νεκρά γράμματα· οι κλασσικές σπουδές στον 21o αιώνα (ed. A. Rengakos; Athens 2001) 135-146.
97.      “Éléments orphiques chez Homère.” Kernos 14 (2001) 1-9.
98.      “The Language of Heroes as Mantic Poetry: Hypokrisis in Homer.” Beiträge zur Homerforschung: Festschrift Wolfgang Kullmann (ed. M. Reichel and A. Rengakos: Stuttgart 2002) 141-149.
99.      “Can myth be saved?” Myth: A New Symposium (ed. G. Schrempp and W. Hansen; Bloomington 2002) 240-248.
100. “Lire la poésie grecque à haute voix: Le témoignage des papyri de Bacchylide.” Des Alexandries II: Les métamorphoses du lecteur (ed. Ch. Jacob; Paris 2003) 131-144.
101. “Transmission of Archaic Greek Sympotic Songs: From Lesbos to Alexandria.” Critical Inquiry 31 (2004) 26-48.
102. “L’aède épique en auteur: la tradition des Vies d’Homère.” Identités d’auteur dans l’Antiquité et la tradition européenne (ed. C. Calame and R. Chartier; Grenoble 2004) 41-67.
103. “Poetics of Repetition in Homer.” In Greek Ritual Poetics (ed. D. Yatromanolakis and P. Roilos; Cambridge MA 2004) 139-148.
104. “The Epic Hero.” In A Companion to Ancient Epic (ed. John M. Foley; Oxford 2005) 71-89. Fuller version at _the_epic/bn_u_tei.xml_5
105. “An Apobatic Moment for Achilles as Athlete at the Festival of the Panathenaia.” Imeros 5 (2005) 311-317.
106. “Homer’s Name Revisited.” La langue poétique indo-européenne (ed. G.-J. Pinault and D. Petit; Actes du Colloque de travail de la Société des Études Indo-Européennes [Indogermanische Gesellschaft / Society for Indo-European Studies], Paris, 22-24 octobre 2003; Collection linguistique de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, t. 91; Leuven and Paris 2006) 317-330.
107. “Hymnic Elements in Empedocles (B 35 DK = 201 Bollack).” Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 24 (2006) 51-61.
108. “Emergence of Drama: Introduction and Discussion.” The Origins of Theater in Ancient Greece and Beyond: From Ritual to Drama (ed. E. Csapo and M. C. Miller; Cambridge UP 2007) 121-125.
109. “Did Sappho and Alcaeus ever meet?” Literatur und Religion. Wege zu einer mythisch–rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen (ed. A. Bierl, R. Lämmle, K. Wesselmann;
110. Basiliensia – MythosEikonPoiesis, vol. 1.1; München / Leipzig 2007) 211–269.
111. “Lyric and Greek Myth.” The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology (ed. R. D. Woodard; Cambridge UP 2007) 19-51.
112. “Homer and Greek Myth.” The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology (ed. R. D. Woodard; Cambridge UP 2007) 52-82.
113. “Convergences and Divergences between God and Hero in the Mnesiepes Inscription of
114. Paros.” Archilochus and his Age II (ed. D. Katsonopoulou, I. Petropoulos, S. Katsarou; Athens 2008) 259-265.
115. “Epic.” The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Literature (ed. R. Eldridge; Oxford 2009) 19-44.
116. “Traces of an ancient system of reading Homeric verse in the Venetus A.” Recapturing a Homeric Legacy: Images and Insights from the Venetus A Manuscript of the Iliad (ed. C. Dué; Cambridge MA and Washington DC 2009) 133-157.
117. “Performance and Text in Ancient Greece.” Chapter 34, The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies (ed. G. Boys-Stones, B. Graziosi, P. Vasunia; Oxford 2009) 417-431
118. “Hesiod and the Ancient Biographical Traditions.” Brill Companion to Hesiod (ed. F. Montanari, A. Rengakos, and Ch. Tsagalis; Leiden 2009) 271-311.