  作者 : 格雷戈里·纳吉 (Gregory Nagy)   译者 : Jessie Wang | 点击数 : 9397

Homer the Classic
By Gregory Nagy
Book Description
Homer the Classic is about the reception of Homeric poetry from the fifth through the first century BCE. The study of this reception is important for understanding not only the all-pervasive literary influence of ancient Greek epic traditions but also the various ways in which these traditions were used by individuals and states to promote their own cultural and political agenda. The aim of this book, which centers on ancient concepts of Homer as the author of a body of poetry that we know as the Iliad and the Odyssey, is not to reassess the oral poetic heritage of Homeric poetry but to show how it became a classic in the days of the Athenian empire and later.
Chapter 1. Homer the Classic in the Age of Virgil
Chapter 2. Homer the Classic in the Age of Callimachus
Chapter 3. Homer the Classic in the Age of Plato
Chapter 4. Homer the Classic in the Age of Pheidias
Selected Review
.… Anyone interested in poetics and indeed in the interplay between poetics and cognitive process, with the concomitant issues of epistemology, will find much to ponder here in the focus on the metaphors of poetics, the flow, the weave, and the recurrent testing of relationships between narrative and spectacle, tragedy and epos.
--John B. Van Sickle
About the Author
Gregory Nagy is the Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies and the Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard University. This book is adapted from his 2002 Sather Lectures at the University of California, Berkeley.
Product Details
Paperback: 650 pages
Publisher: Center for Hellenic Studies (February 28, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0674033264
ISBN-13: 978-0674033269
Series: Hellenic Studies (Book 36)
The 2010 print edition is available for purchase here.
The CHS Online Publication here

Continuing : 1 | 2 |

  文章来源 : OTStudio

后一篇 : 《荷马诸问题》(1996)
前一篇 : 《荷马:前古典时期》(2010)